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Tips For Implementing A Commercial Recycling Program In Your Office

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Commercial offices can generate huge amounts of waste each year, and a great deal of that waste could be recycled if only office administrators and employees took initiative to do so. If you're an office administrator, or an office worker who's tired of seeing stacks of paper and other recyclable trash get thrown out each week, then you might want to consider following these tips for implementing a successful recycling program, with the help of a recycling company like E.L. Harvey & Sons, in the office.

Make Sure Recycling Bins Are Clearly Labeled

One of the first steps you'll want to take is to obtain some recycling bins that can be used to separate papers, plastics, aluminum cans, and other materials. One of the most common reasons as to why recycling programs fail is poor labeling on recycling bins; people mistake them for trash bins or simply can't tell which bin is for recyclables and which is for trash. To combat this, make sure each bin is clearly labeled with a recycling symbol on all visible sides, along with the type of recyclable the bin is designed for. To reduce chances of trash being thrown into the bins, invest in bins that have specially shaped lid holes that are designed to fit the particular item the bin is designed for.

Ask for Input on Placement of Recycling Bins

Proper placement of recycling bins is also vital in an office setting. Busy office employees won't always have the time to scope out the nearest bin or even remember to locate one. Therefore, ask employees where they would be most likely to see and use a recycling bin. Some common places include near printers and copy machines, in break rooms, and at reception desks. Avoid placing too many bins around the office, as these can cause unnecessary clutter.

Send Out Memos as Reminders to Employees

Finally, make sure there are procedures in place to ensure that every new employee is trained to understand the company's recycling procedures. Furthermore, don't hesitate to send out periodic reminder e-mails or memos, should the need arise. This can be especially helpful if you've noticed a decline in the number of people remembering to use recycling bins throughout the office. Keep in mind, however, that recycling is ultimately the choice of each employee; you cannot force a worker to participate in the program. However, you may consider offering incentives to those who are active participants in the office-wide recycling initiative.
